Accredited by NATA as a Medical Testing Laboratory
Compliant with ISO 15189
Accreditation number: 9534
Date of accreditation: 22 April 1997
The scope can be viewed on the NATA website.

Accredited by NATA as a Proficiency Testing Scheme Provider
Compliant with ISO 17043
Accreditation number: 14253
Date of accreditation: 26 June 2001
The scope can be viewed on the NATA website.

Certified by BSI for Quality Management
Compliant with ISO 9001
Certification number: FS 605059
Originally certified: 25 February 1998
Expiry date: 30 June 2026

Licensed by TGA as following Good Manufacturing Practice
Compliant with Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for human blood and blood components, human tissues and human cellular therapy products: 2013
Licence Number: MI-23022005-LI-000452-2
Originally granted: 15 July 1999
Last revised: 28 August 2018
Page last updated: 21 July 2023